Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fine Arts: Music

We have been learning about music in class. Today I want you to describe how you feel as you listen to a few different pieces of music. Follow along with the presentation below and submit your answers when the presentation prompts you to.
I am not looking for a particular answer, I want to know about your feelings and thoughts. Have fun!

3rd Grade Fine Arts Standard 4: The student will listen to, analyze, and describe music.
Educational Technology Standard 8: Use technology resources for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The following are short clips of some of the paintings we've studied over the past few months, as well as some other interesting paintings. As you watch each of the clips pay attention to the styles we've discussed in class. Write about your favorite painting or artist in your study journal. Enjoy!
The Theater Box by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Renaissance Art, Paintings by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paintings by Matisse or Picasso, Utah Artists

6th grade Fine Arts Standard 4: the student will interpret and apply visual arts in relation to cultures, history, and all learning.
Educational Technology Standard: use technology tools for individual and collaborative ...publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pinterest Ideas

The link below is to a Pinterest board of creative teaching ideas, activities, classroom management tricks and tips, and other fun things. Having them all together in one place is great. This way when I'm having a creativity block, I can look here for inspiration. I've posted the board here in case parents would like some ideas on how they can better help their children. Have fun exploring!
Elementary Ideas

If there is anything that you as parents find online and you think we should do feel free to recommend it to me as a "pin." Thank you!

Educational Technology Standard 7: use telecommunications and on-line resources to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Welcome to my classroom nest! I'm so excited for this school year and to meet all of you! Let's get the ball rolling with a quick "Getting to know you" survey.

Here are my responses so you can get to know me:
My name: Miss Robbins
My birthday: December 13
I am from: Provo, Utah
My favorite colors: pink and purple.
Super Power: I would love to be able to fly so I can get to places faster and so I can sit on a cloud like Mary Poppins.
My favorite subject in school: reading, because I love to read. I also enjoy history because I love learning about the experiences of others.
My least favorite subject: English (writing, spelling, grammar) because I really struggle with those things.
I really love to read. My favorite part of reading is going to places I've never been, and magical things can happen.
Define Respect: To me respect means that you treat others the way you would like to be treated. That you are kind to and aware of those around you. To see people as people and not objects to ignore or make fun of. Also it is crucial to respect yourself.
Why is Respect important? Respect is important because it builds trust and helps those around you to feel comfortable. People will respect you if you respect them. It is a building block of a society.

I love teaching and learning; I hope that you enjoying learning. I can't wait to learn from you! This is going to be a GREAT year! So let's all spread our wings and FLY!

Educational technology Standard 6
Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests.